Home » BBPeopleMeet: An In-Depth Look at the Online Dating Platform

BBPeopleMeet: An In-Depth Look at the Online Dating Platform

Are you a plus-sized single looking for love? Tired of the same old dating sites that don’t seem to understand your needs? Well, have we got news for you! BBPeopleMeet is here and it’s ready to help big beautiful people find their perfect match. But how does this unique site stack up against its competitors? Let’s take an in-depth look at what makes BBPeopleMeet so special – and why it just might be the right fit for all those curvy singles out there!


Ugh, BBPeopleMeet is a total dud. It’s like trying to find love in the middle of an abandoned desert – you just ain’t gonna have any luck! I mean, sure it looks good on paper but once you get into it there’s nothing going on. Plus the cost isn’t worth it for what little action there is out there. Save your time and money – trust me when I say that this one ain’t worth either!

BBPeopleMeet in 10 seconds

  • BBPeopleMeet is an online dating site specifically designed for plus-sized singles.
  • It has a matching algorithm that takes into account your preferences and lifestyle to help you find the perfect match.
  • BBPeopleMeet offers both free and premium subscriptions, with the latter providing access to additional features.
  • Premium subscriptions range from $13.99 per month for a three-month subscription to $6.99 per month for a twelve-month subscription.
  • BBPeopleMeet also has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other sites on the market, BBPeopleMeet’s pricing is quite competitive.
  • BBPeopleMeet provides users with privacy and security measures such as profile verification and two-factor authentication.
  • The site also has a unique feature called “Who Do You Like?” which allows users to quickly browse through potential matches.
  • BBPeopleMeet also has a blog where users can read advice on dating and relationships.
  • Lastly, BBPeopleMeet offers a 24/7 customer service team to help users with any issues they may have.

Pros & Cons

  • BBPeopleMeet is a great place to meet people who share similar interests and values.
  • It’s easy to find potential matches with its detailed search filters.
  • The site offers helpful safety tips for online dating success.
  • Limited search filters for finding potential matches.
  • Lack of user-friendly features like video chat or instant messaging.
  • Not enough active members in certain areas to make it worth using.
  • No verification process, so you can’t be sure who you’re talking to is real.
  • Fewer options than other dating sites when it comes to communication tools and safety measures.

How we reviewed BBPeopleMeet

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into BBPeopleMeet. We tested both the free and paid versions of this site to get a full picture of its features. To really understand how it works, we sent messages to other users – in total we’ve sent over 100 messages across 10 days! We also looked at user profiles for accuracy; checking out their photos as well as the information they provide about themselves on their profile page. We made sure that all content is up-to-date so you can trust what you’re seeing when browsing through potential matches. Additionally, our review included exploring different filters such as age range or location preferences so that members could find exactly who they are looking for quickly and easily without wasting time sifting through irrelevant results.. Finally, we checked out customer service options including live chat support which proved helpful if any issues were encountered while using BBPeopleMeet’s services. Our commitment to providing thorough reviews sets us apart from other review sites because not only do we test each feature but also go beyond by testing them with real users in order to ensure accuracy before publishing our findings – something many others don’t offer!

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app that promises safety and security, BBPeopleMeet is not the one. Don’t get me wrong – it’s great if you want to meet someone who loves big beautiful people like yourself. But when it comes to keeping your data safe and preventing fake accounts from infiltrating its platform, this app falls short of expectations.

For starters, there’s no verification process whatsoever! No two-step authentication or anything else that could help verify users’ identities before they start chatting with each other on the site – so basically anyone can join without having their identity checked first. And while I’m sure most members are genuine people looking for love (or something more casual), there’s always a chance some bad apples may slip through the cracks here due to lack of proper user verification measures in place at BBPeopleMeet.

As far as fighting against bots goes – forget about it! This isn’t an issue that gets much attention here either; meaning automated programs designed by malicious actors have plenty of room to wreak havoc on unsuspecting victims within this community too… Not cool!

Plus photos aren’t even manually reviewed before being posted online which makes things worse since scammers often use stolen images these days instead creating their own profile pics from scratch – another red flag worth noting if you ask me…

Last but not least let’s talk privacy policy: It exists alright but doesn’t really offer any meaningful protection for users in terms of what kind information will be shared with third parties etc., leaving us all wondering just how secure our personal info actually is once we sign up? All in all then I’d say steer clear unless your idea fun involves putting yourself at risk…

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a big and beautiful dating experience, BBPeopleMeet is not the place to go. With public profiles that are hard to customize, limited location info and no indication of distance between users – it leaves much to be desired.

The profile setup isn’t great either; there’s only so much room for customization which makes your page look like everyone else’s. You can upload photos but don’t expect any bells or whistles with this one – there’s no custom bio section whatsoever! And if you’re hoping to keep your location private then forget about it because all members can see where each other lives right on their profile pages. It doesn’t get more public than that!

What really gets me though is how many fake accounts I encountered while testing out the site – they were everywhere! If you want an authentic online dating experience then BBPeopleMeet definitely won’t deliver what you need here as most of these “users" seem too good (or bad) to be true…if ya know what I mean? Plus when was the last time someone actually read those long-winded terms & conditions before signing up? That should tell ya something right off the bat…

As far as premium subscriptions go, well let’s just say they didn’t offer anything worth shelling out extra cash over – unless having access exclusive features such as seeing who has viewed your profile counts in some way?! Not sure why anyone would bother paying for something like that anyway since everything else seems pretty standard compared with other sites nowadays…

All things considered, my overall impression from using BBPeopleMeet wasn’t exactly positive unfortunately; poor user profiles combined with lots of suspicious activity make this site feel more sketchy than safe – so steer clear if at all possible folks!!

Mobile App

Ah, BBPeopleMeet. It’s the dating site for big and beautiful people looking to find love online. Unfortunately, they don’t have a mobile app – yet! That said, it doesn’t mean you can’t access their services on your phone or tablet; just that there isn’t an official app from them available in any of the major stores like Google Play or Apple App Store.

It could be argued that this is actually a good thing since many users are concerned about privacy when using apps these days – especially those related to dating sites which contain sensitive information such as photos and personal details! Not having an official app means fewer chances of someone accessing your data without permission (or even worse – selling it!). Plus if something goes wrong with the service itself then at least you won’t lose all your contacts/matches etc due to some bug within an update or similar issue which may occur more often than not with native apps nowadays… But what would happen if BBPeopleMeet did launch its own mobile application? Well firstly we’d need to decide whether it should be native (developed specifically for iOS/Android) or web-based (accessed via browser). If going down the former route then cost becomes another factor as developing both versions separately will take time & money so perhaps starting off by creating one version initially before rolling out others later might make sense financially speaking too? Of course once released though users must still download & install each individual version themselves meaning extra steps compared against visiting directly through their device’s browser instead… On top of this however comes advantages such as faster loading times plus potential features only possible through use of specific APIs offered by either platform e.g push notifications etc.. Overall though regardless how well designed/built whatever solution chosen turns out being ultimately depends upon user uptake i.e do enough people bother downloading+installing?! Afterall no matter how great idea sounds on paper success relies heavily upon execution 😉

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from BBPeopleMeet, I can tell you right now that it ain’t gonna happen. As an online dating expert who has reviewed this site multiple times, I can confidently say that the customer service is a joke. You’d be better off trying to get help from your cat!

First of all, there’s no FAQ page or anything like that on their website so if you have any questions about how the site works or what features are available then tough luck – they don’t want to hear them. Even worse than not having an FAQ page is their response time (or lack thereof). After contacting them several times and never getting a satisfactory answer back – if we got one at all – it became clear pretty quickly why nobody uses BBPeopleMeet anymore: because they simply don’t care about helping people out with problems related to using their platform!

To make matters even more frustrating, when I did finally manage to get in touch with someone via email after waiting days for a reply my queries were met with canned responses which didn’t really address my issues anyway. It was as though whoever had sent me those messages hadn’t even read what I wrote in the first place… Talk about adding insult to injury!

All things considered then; accessing support on BBPeopleMeet isn’t worth your time nor effort unless of course being ignored and fobbed off makes up part of your ideal date night plan? If however finding somebody who actually cares enough listen and respond accordingly sounds more appealing then steer well clear cause this definitely ain’t where its at folks!.


If you’re looking for a dating site, BBPeopleMeet might not be the one. It’s definitely not free – and if you want to get any real use out of it, then you’ll have to pay up! Prices are pretty steep too; they don’t offer much in terms of competitive rates. Sure, there are some benefits that come with getting a paid subscription but I’m sure there are better options out there than shelling out your hard-earned cash on this website. Bottom line: unless money is no object for ya’, look elsewhere when it comes to online dating sites!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, Search for matches
Gold $14.99/month Unlimited messaging, Profile highlighting, Advanced search options
Platinum $19.99/month All Gold features, Anonymous browsing, See who viewed your profile

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to BBPeopleMeet include Match.com, OkCupid, and eHarmony which are all popular dating sites catering to people of different ages and backgrounds. Additionally, there are niche websites such as OurTime for those over 50 or BlackSingles for African-American singles that can provide a more tailored experience than the general ones mentioned above.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people who prefer to date someone with a fuller figure.
  • Best for those looking to meet someone of similar size and shape as themselves.
  • Best for individuals interested in connecting with others based on shared interests, values, and beliefs about body positivity.


1. What is BBPeopleMeet?

BBPeopleMeet is a dating site that’s specifically designed for bigger people. It encourages them to be proud of their size and seek out partners who appreciate it too. Personally, I think there are better sites out there than this one.

2. Is BBPeopleMeet trustworthy?

I wouldn’t say BBPeopleMeet is trustworthy. It’s a dating site, so you never know who you’re talking to and what their intentions are. I’d be careful about giving out too much personal information on there – it might not end up being worth the risk.

3. How many users does BBPeopleMeet have?

I’m not sure how many users BBPeopleMeet has, but it doesn’t seem like a lot. I’ve been using the site for a while and haven’t had much luck with finding potential matches. It’s definitely not as popular as other dating sites out there.

4. Can you send messages for free on BBPeopleMeet?

No, you can’t send messages for free on BBPeopleMeet. It’s a paid subscription service and if you want to contact someone, it’ll cost ya! Not cool at all.

Julie Spira

Julie Spira is an online dating expert and author with over 25 years of experience in the industry. She has written extensively on topics related to relationships, including reviews for various dating sites and apps. Julie's passion for helping people find love began when she was a young adult living in New York City, where she witnessed firsthand how difficult it could be to meet someone special. A graduate of Syracuse University’s S.I Newhouse School of Public Communications, Julie went on to pursue her master’s degree at UCLA Extension specializing in Internet Marketing & Social Media Strategies while also working as a public relations consultant at several Los Angeles-based agencies focusing on media outreach campaigns for technology companies such as Microsoft and Yahoo!. After moving back east from California after 9/11 happened, Julie decided that instead of traditional PR work that she wanted help others navigate the world of online romance by becoming an early adopter into this new form communication between singles seeking companionship through digital means which led her down path towards writing about internet culture before there were even blogs or social networks like Facebook or Twitter existed! Today you can find some advice from one article per week posted every Monday morning here along with regular posts published throughout the year across multiple platforms ranging from podcasts interviews appearing regularly on national television shows such CBS The Early Show , NBC Today Show , Fox News Channel Morning Shows . Her book "The Perils Of Cyber Dating: Confessions Of A Hopeful Romantic Looking For Love Online" was released by Morgan James Publishing House (now known LifeTree Books) 2006 remains popular today amongst those looking tips navigating their way around swiping right left these days!

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