Home » MissTravel 2023 Review – Is It Worth The Hype?

MissTravel 2023 Review – Is It Worth The Hype?

Are you ready to take your dating life on a trip? MissTravel is the perfect site for those looking to explore and meet new people. With its unique approach, this dating platform promises an adventure like no other! But does it really deliver? Read our review of MissTravel and find out if taking a chance with this online service could be worth it! Will you make meaningful connections or just end up wasting time (and money)? Let’s see what we can uncover…


MissTravel is like a bad blind date: it looks good on paper, but in reality you’re better off staying home. It promises an exotic adventure with someone special – and what could be more exciting than that? Unfortunately, the truth of MissTravel isn’t nearly as glamorous. With limited features and outdated design, this dating site just doesn’t measure up to its competitors. Plus there’s no guarantee your dream vacation will actually happen! So if you’re looking for love or travel companionship online – don’t waste your time here; try something else instead!

MissTravel in 10 seconds

  • MissTravel is a dating site that connects people who want to travel together.
  • The matching algorithm on MissTravel takes into account users’ preferences and interests.
  • MissTravel offers various pricing options, including free membership and premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $19.99/month for one month, $17.99/month for three months, and $15.99/month for six months.
  • MissTravel has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • MissTravel’s pricing is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • MissTravel offers a secure payment system and strict privacy policy.
  • Users can verify their identity and add additional layers of security to their accounts.
  • MissTravel provides a “Trip Guarantee” which allows users to get a refund if their trip does not go as planned.
  • MissTravel also offers a “MissTraveler” program where users can earn rewards and discounts on future trips.

Pros & Cons

  • MissTravel is a great way to meet people from all over the world.
  • It’s easy and convenient to use, with lots of helpful features.
  • You can find someone who shares your interests and travel goals.
  • Not the best option for those looking for a serious relationship.
  • It can be difficult to find someone who is interested in the same type of travel experience as you.
  • Limited user base compared to other dating sites.
  • Safety and security concerns due to its anonymous nature.
  • Some users may not take it seriously, making it hard to find genuine connections on MissTravel

How we reviewed MissTravel

As an online dating expert, I and my team used a comprehensive process to review MissTravel. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site for our analysis. To get an accurate understanding of how users interact on this platform, we sent messages to other members (we sent over 100 messages in total during our testing period). Over several days, we tracked user activity across different areas such as messaging features and profile viewing statistics. We also took time exploring every aspect of MissTravel’s interface – from its search filters to mobile app capabilities – so that readers can have access to all relevant information about this service before making any decisions regarding their own use or subscription plans. Our commitment towards providing detailed reviews sets us apart from other sites who don’t offer such in-depth analyses into various aspects related with online dating services like MissTravel.

MissTravel features

MissTravel is a dating site that claims to offer something unique – the ability for members to travel together. But, after reviewing MissTravel and its features, I’m not sure it lives up to all of its promises.

To start with, there are two types of membership: free and paid. The free version offers limited access while the paid one provides more options such as unlimited messaging and viewing profiles without ads or banners getting in your way. Unfortunately though, even if you pay for an upgraded account on MissTravel you still don’t get much bang for your buck! For example; unlike other sites where users can upload multiple photos into their profile albums here they’re only allowed one photo at a time which makes it hard when trying to show off different sides of yourself or activities that interest you most – let’s face it no-one wants just another selfie! Additionally there’s no compatibility matching feature so finding someone who shares similar interests isn’t easy either – boo hiss!! And lastly although some people might find this appealing; those looking for serious relationships should steer clear because many users appear interested mainly in casual encounters rather than long term commitment…yikes!!!

On top of these issues however what really irks me about Miss Travel is how outdated the design looks compared with modern day apps like Tinder etc..The layout seems very clunky making navigation difficult plus searching through potential matches takes forever due too slow loading times ughh!! Furthermore certain functions aren’t available on mobile devices which further hinders usability…what gives?!?

All things considered then I wouldn’t recommend using this service unless maybe if you were already travelling abroad somewhere (as opposed staying home) since obviously being able meet up with locals could be quite fun but apart from that situation my advice would be ‘don’t waste your time’!

  • MissTravel allows users to travel together for free.
  • Users can post trips and invite other members to join them.
  • Members can search for trips based on their interests and preferences.
  • MissTravel offers a secure messaging system to communicate with potential matches.
  • MissTravel has an extensive verification process to ensure the safety of its members.

Mobile App

Ah, MissTravel. The dating site that’s all about globetrotting and finding love around the world. It’s a great concept for sure! But does it have an app? Well…the answer is both yes and no.

MissTravel actually has two different apps – one for iOS users (iPhone) called “Miss Travel: Date Abroad & Find Love”, while Android users can download the “Trip Together: Meet People on Vacation App". Both are free to download from their respective stores but they aren’t native apps so don’t expect too much in terms of features or performance.

To be honest though, you’re probably better off sticking with using your browser as neither app offers anything special over its web counterpart; plus there’s always some bugs here and there which can make them quite frustrating at times – not ideal when you want to find someone special! That said if you do decide to give either of these a go then at least they offer basic functionality such as creating/editing profiles, messaging other members etc., so should serve most people’s needs just fine without any major issues cropping up along the way…just remember that this isn’t Tinder we’re talking about here folks!

As far as why MissTravel doesn’t have a fully-fledged mobile application goes however – well I guess it could come down to cost or simply because developing something like this takes time away from improving upon what already exists online via desktop browsers etc.. Either way though it would certainly be nice if one day soon we saw something more robust released by them – maybe even taking advantage of certain smartphone technologies such as augmented reality?! Who knows…but until then I suppose us travelers will just need keep our fingers crossed eh?

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a travel-focused dating site, MissTravel is definitely not the one. I recently tried it out and found that its user profiles are far from satisfactory. To start with, all of the profiles on this website are public which means anyone can view them – no matter what their intentions may be! Plus, there’s no way to set up a custom bio so if you’re hoping to express yourself in your profile then tough luck because it ain’t gonna happen here.

The location info included in each profile is also quite limited; while some users do mention where they live or come from (which isn’t necessarily ideal), most don’t include any information about their current whereabouts at all – making it impossible to know how close or far away someone actually is unless you message them directly and ask! And even then there’s still no indication as to how much distance separates two people who might be interested in each other…so good luck trying make an informed decision based off of that alone!

Speaking of messaging: sure enough, once I started sending messages back and forth with different users on MissTravel I quickly noticed something fishy going on – namely fake accounts galore! It was pretty obvious too since many had little more than stock photos attached along with generic bios like “I love traveling" or "Let’s explore together". So yeah…not exactly inspiring stuff when it comes down finding someone genuine online these days unfortunately.

Oh but wait – did somebody say premium subscription? Well yes indeedy folks; apparently having a paid account will get ya certain perks such as being able unlock private albums full o’ pics n’ videos plus access exclusive offers ‘n deals related ta yer travels…or somethin’. Not sure why anybody would wanna pay fer dat though tbh considering everything else bout dis place seems kinda lackluster at best….if ya catch my drift ;).

All things considered tho’, meh experience wiff MissTravel wasn’t really worth writin home about neither positive nor negative wise….it just felt sorta bleh overall lahke sumthin missin yet never fully realized 🙁

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should be a top priority. Unfortunately, MissTravel falls short in this area. Despite its claims of being an “exclusive” travel-dating app for the adventurous single traveler, there is no verification process or any way to guarantee that users are who they say they are – leaving you vulnerable when connecting with strangers on the platform.

MissTravel also does not have measures in place against bots and fake accounts which can make it difficult to differentiate between real people looking for genuine connections from those just trying to scam unsuspecting travelers out of their hard earned money. There isn’t even a two-step verification option available so your personal information could easily fall into the wrong hands if you’re not careful about what kind of data you share on the site – yikes! The photos uploaded by members aren’t manually reviewed either so there’s no assurance that all images posted actually belong to them (and let’s face it: some folks may use outdated pics). As far as privacy goes? It doesn’t seem like much thought was put into protecting user data since MissTravel shares profile info with third parties without consent – definitely something worth considering before signing up!

All things considered, I wouldn’t recommend using Miss Travel unless having zero accountability is important when searching for potential dates or partners while traveling abroad…but hey – maybe that floats your boat?!


MissTravel is far from being a free dating site. If you want to get the most out of it, you’ll have to pay up for one of their premium subscriptions. It’s not cheap either – with prices ranging from $20-$60 per month depending on how long your subscription lasts and what features are included in the package. Sure, there may be some benefits like access to more potential matches or extra profile visibility but at those prices I’m just not sure if they’re competitive enough compared to other sites that offer similar services without breaking the bank!

Bottom line: MissTravel isn’t exactly a bargain when it comes down to pricing so unless you really need all those bells and whistles offered by its paid membership packages then maybe look elsewhere for online dating options instead!

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Sites

Other dating sites that focus on travel include Wander, Travel Buddies 4 U, and Trip Together. These websites offer similar features to MissTravel such as searching for a companion or partner who shares the same interest in traveling.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to explore the world.
  • Best for couples who want to travel together and meet new people.
  • Best for those seeking a romantic adventure with someone special.


1. How does MissTravel website work?

MissTravel is basically an online dating site that encourages people to travel together. It’s like a glorified version of Tinder, where you can find someone who will pay for your trips in exchange for companionship or something more intimate. Overall, it’s not the most reputable way to meet someone and I wouldn’t recommend it.

2. Is MissTravel worth the money?

I tried MissTravel and I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s not worth the money, in my opinion. The people on there are mostly just looking for a free vacation – definitely not what you’re hoping to find when using an online dating site!

3. Is MissTravel any good?

MissTravel is definitely not the best dating site out there. It’s unreliable and can be quite sketchy at times. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a serious relationship.

4. What are MissTravel alternatives?

I wouldn’t recommend MissTravel as an alternative to traditional dating sites. It’s not a reliable way of finding someone who is actually looking for a relationship, and it can be dangerous if you don’t know the person well enough. Stick with tried-and-true online dating platforms instead; they’re much safer and more likely to help you find what you’re looking for.

Emily Hellman

Emily Hellman is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and also earned her Master's degree in Human Development from Stanford University. Emily loves to write reviews on different dating sites and apps that she uses herself so she can provide valuable insights into how they work. Before becoming an online dating guru, Emily worked as a relationship coach at various universities around the country where she helped couples learn effective communication skills to strengthen their relationships. It was during this time that Emily realized just how important it is for people to have access to quality resources when navigating through the world of modern romance – something which inspired her journey towards becoming an expert in all things related to finding true love via digital means! Since then, Emily has written countless articles about topics such as creating successful profiles on popular websites like Tinder or Bumble; choosing between free vs paid membership options; using advanced search filters effectively; avoiding scams & frauds while looking for dates online etc., all with one goal: help individuals make informed decisions before embarking upon their own romantic adventures! In addition, she’s regularly featured on podcasts discussing everything there is know about making connections through technology-based platforms - giving listeners actionable advice based off real life experiences rather than theoretical concepts alone.

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