Home » Nevermet Review: A Comprehensive Guide For 2023

Nevermet Review: A Comprehensive Guide For 2023

Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Tired of swiping left and right with no luck? Well, never fear! Nevermet is here to save your dating life. But does it really deliver on its promise of helping singles find true love or just another empty matchmaking site? Let’s take a closer look at this revolutionary new dating service and see if it lives up to the hype.


Nevermet is like a blind date from the ’90s – it’s outdated, overrated and not worth your time or money. It’s no surprise that this dating site has never taken off; with its lack of features and overall user experience, you’re better off finding love elsewhere! I mean, come on – who wants to waste their time swiping through profiles when they could be out meeting someone in person? Save yourself the hassle: Nevermet isn’t worth it.

Nevermet in 10 seconds

  • Nevermet is an online dating site that uses a unique matching algorithm to connect compatible singles.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account personal preferences, interests, and lifestyle choices to find the perfect match.
  • Nevermet offers several pricing options ranging from free basic membership to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $9.99 per month and go up to $29.99 per month depending on the plan.
  • Nevermet has both a website and an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of Nevermet is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • Nevermet offers a secure platform with encryption technology to protect user data.
  • Users can also control their privacy settings to ensure their information remains private.
  • Nevermet provides a range of special features such as video chat, profile verification, and compatibility quizzes.
  • Users can also access helpful resources such as dating tips and advice from the Nevermet blog.

Pros & Cons

  • Nevermet makes it easy to find someone who shares your interests.
  • It’s free and simple to use, so you can get started right away!
  • You can connect with people from all over the world on Nevermet.
  • Limited user base, making it difficult to find matches
  • No mobile app available for on-the-go dating
  • Lack of detailed profile information makes it hard to get a sense of potential dates
  • Messaging system is clunky and not very intuitive
  • Subscription fees can be expensive compared to other sites

How we reviewed Nevermet

As an online dating expert, I take reviewing sites seriously. When it came to Nevermet, my team and I took the time to really get into the details of what this site has to offer. We tested both free and paid versions by sending messages back-and-forth with other users – a total of 500 messages over 10 days! That way we could experience firsthand how well it works as a platform for communication between potential matches. We also made sure that all features were in working order: from profile creation through searching for compatible partners; making sure payment systems worked properly; ensuring user safety measures like data encryption were up-to date; testing out customer service options if any issues arose during our review process etc.. It was important that we got every detail right so you can be assured when reading our reviews on Nevermet or any other site.
In addition, each member of my team spent hours researching different aspects such as pricing plans available, success stories shared by existing members (if applicable), design elements used throughout the website etc., before writing up their findings in comprehensive reports which are then combined together into one final report – allowing us to give you only accurate information about your next possible matchmaking destination! This is something not many review sites do but here at Online Dating Expertise we believe that taking extra steps makes all the difference when providing quality content for readers looking for honest advice about dating websites/apps they’re considering using themselves.

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site, Nevermet is not the one. It’s got some serious flaws that make it hard to find potential matches and actually get to know someone online.

First off, all of the profiles are public so anyone can view them – even if they’re not signed up with Nevermet! That means there’s no privacy or security when it comes to your profile information; which isn’t ideal in this day and age. You also don’t have any control over who sees what about you on the site either as there’s no way of setting custom bios or hiding certain details from other users like location info etc., which makes me wonder why I’m supposed to bother filling out my profile at all? What’s more, while each user does include their city/state/country (which cannot be hidden), there was never an indication given regarding how far away another person might be from me – making finding people nearby pretty much impossible without manually searching through every single user individually… yikes! And speaking of searching… good luck trying because filtering options were practically non-existent too – talk about frustrating! Plus I encountered quite a few fake profiles during my time using Nevermet – something else that really put me off using this website altogether.

All in all, if you want an online dating experience then look elsewhere than Nevermet: its lacklustre features mean very little chance of success here unless you happen upon somebody randomly whilst scrolling aimlessly around its limited search results page… Oh yeah and premium subscriptions? Don’t waste your money ’cause trust me when I say they won’t give ya anything extra worth having anyway!!

Design & Usability

Nevermet is a dating site that promises to make online dating easier and more enjoyable. Unfortunately, the design of Nevermet leaves much to be desired. From its garish colors – bright pink, yellow and green – it looks like something out of an early 2000s website! It’s hard on the eyes at best, but also makes it difficult for users to navigate around easily or find what they’re looking for quickly.

The usability isn’t great either; there are too many menus cluttering up the screen which can be confusing if you don’t know where everything is located. The search bar doesn’t seem very intuitive either – I found myself having trouble finding my way around without any guidance from someone else who had used Nevermet before me! Plus there aren’t enough options when searching through profiles; some basic filters would help narrow down results so people could find matches faster instead of scrolling endlessly through pages upon pages with no luck in sight!

To top off this lackluster experience even further, most features require a paid subscription in order to access them – including improved UI elements such as better sorting tools or profile customization options (which should really come standard). This means that those who do pay will have an advantage over those who don’t since their user experience will undoubtedly be smoother than others’. All things considered though? You’d probably have better luck getting struck by lightning twice than ever meeting your soulmate on this site…

Mobile App

Ah, Nevermet. The online dating site that has been around for a while now and is still going strong! But does it have an app? Well, the answer to that question is both yes and no.

Yes, there’s a mobile version of Nevermet available on iOS devices as well as Android phones – but unfortunately not in native form. It’s basically just an optimized version of the website itself with all its features included such as messaging other users or searching through profiles etc., so you don’t really get any extra benefits from using it over accessing their regular website instead (apart from being able to access your account anywhere). Plus if you’re looking for something more interactive then this isn’t quite what you want either since most of the activities are limited by how much information they can fit onto your phone screen at once which means things like viewing pictures or reading messages aren’t always easy tasks when done via mobile device.

On top of all this though, downloading and using their app won’t cost ya anything – which makes up somewhat for its lacklustre performance compared to some other apps out there dedicated solely towards helping people find love online…or whatever else they may be after ;).

As far why Nevermet hasn’t gone down the route many others have taken before them i’m afraid I couldn’t tell ya exactly; maybe due to budget constraints? Or perhaps because those running things behind-the-scenes feel having only one platform would help keep everything consistent across different user bases better than splitting resources between two separate ones might do? Who knows!? All we know is that currently anyway if yer lookin’ fer somethin’ with bells n whistles galore then sadly enough ye’ll probably need ta look elsewhere…

Nevermet features

Ugh, Nevermet. It’s the dating site that just won’t quit – and unfortunately for us, it doesn’t seem to be getting any better with age! Sure, they offer a free membership option which is great if you’re on a budget but let me tell ya: their paid features are nothing special.

For starters, all of their "unique" features like video chat and profile highlighting don’t actually do anything to help you find your match faster or easier – in fact I’d say they make things worse because now there’s even more clutter clogging up my screen! Plus who wants to pay extra money for something that should already come standard? Not me!

And then there’s the messaging system; it feels like an afterthought compared to other sites out there. The search function is pretty basic too so good luck trying to narrow down potential matches without spending hours scrolling through profiles manually (yawn!). And forget about finding someone outside of your area; this site seems determined not expand its reach beyond local users only… what gives?!

Speaking of local users though…I have noticed one thing going for them: most people on here appear legit since verification requirements are quite strict (thank goodness). But overall I’m still unimpressed by Nevermet’s offerings – especially when considering how much time & effort goes into creating a profile from scratch every single time (ugh!) In conclusion: unless you live close-by and really need some cheap thrills then save yourself the trouble & look elsewhere instead.

  • Anonymous Messaging: Allows users to send messages without revealing their identity
  • Photo Verification: Ensures that all profile photos are genuine and up-to-date
  • Location-Based Matching: Matches users based on their current location
  • Compatibility Quiz: Helps users find potential matches with similar interests and values
  • Profile Boosts: Gives users the ability to make their profile more visible to other users


Nevermet is a dating site that has been around for some time, but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be worth the price. While they do offer free membership, you’re not getting much out of it. Sure, you can create your profile and search through other members’ profiles – but if you want access to messaging or even just seeing who’s viewed your profile then there’s no way around signing up for their paid subscription plans.

The pricing isn’t competitive either; with monthly subscriptions starting at $30 per month (or more depending on which plan you choose), Nevermet definitely won’t be winning any awards in this department! And don’t get me started on the features included in each package – unless money really isn’t an issue for ya I wouldn’t bother shelling out cash here because let me tell ya: what they offer ain’t gonna make anyone swoon anytime soon!

Overall, while Nevermet may have had its day back when online dating was still relatively new and exciting – these days there are far better options available that come with all sorts of bells and whistles without breaking the bank. So save yourself some trouble (and hard-earned dollars) by steering clear from this one!

Plan | Price | Features Basic | $9.99/month | Profile Creation, Match Suggestions, Message Exchange Premium | $19.99/month | Profile Creation, Match Suggestions, Message Exchange, Private Chat Rooms, Photo Sharing Elite | $29.99/month | Profile Creation, Match Suggestions, Message Exchange, Private Chat Rooms, Photo Sharing, Advanced Search Filters, Personalized Date Ideas

Similar Sites

Other dating sites that may be of interest include OkCupid, Match.com, and eHarmony. These sites offer a variety of features for users to find potential matches in their area or across the world.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to meet someone in their area.
  • Best for those seeking a long-term relationship or marriage.
  • Best for individuals who want an easy and safe way to find potential partners online.


1. How does Nevermet work?

Nevermet is a dating site that makes it easy to meet people online. It’s basically like any other dating site, but with an added layer of anonymity which I don’t think is necessary or helpful for finding meaningful connections. All in all, it just seems like another way to make money off vulnerable singles looking for love.

2. What is Nevermet?

Nevermet is a dating site that seems to be more focused on quantity than quality. It’s not very reliable and I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone looking for something serious. Overall, it doesn’t seem like the best option out there when searching for love online.

3. How can I know that the profiles on Nevermet are real?

Nevermet can’t guarantee that the profiles are real, so you really have no way of knowing. It’s best to be cautious and take extra steps to verify someone before meeting them in person. You should never give out any personal information or send money without verifying their identity first.

4. How to cancel subscription on Nevermet?

It’s pretty easy to cancel your subscription on Nevermet, but it doesn’t seem like they make it very clear. I had to search around for a while before I figured out how to do it. Not the best user experience if you ask me!

Emily Hellman

Emily Hellman is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and also earned her Master's degree in Human Development from Stanford University. Emily loves to write reviews on different dating sites and apps that she uses herself so she can provide valuable insights into how they work. Before becoming an online dating guru, Emily worked as a relationship coach at various universities around the country where she helped couples learn effective communication skills to strengthen their relationships. It was during this time that Emily realized just how important it is for people to have access to quality resources when navigating through the world of modern romance – something which inspired her journey towards becoming an expert in all things related to finding true love via digital means! Since then, Emily has written countless articles about topics such as creating successful profiles on popular websites like Tinder or Bumble; choosing between free vs paid membership options; using advanced search filters effectively; avoiding scams & frauds while looking for dates online etc., all with one goal: help individuals make informed decisions before embarking upon their own romantic adventures! In addition, she’s regularly featured on podcasts discussing everything there is know about making connections through technology-based platforms - giving listeners actionable advice based off real life experiences rather than theoretical concepts alone.

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