Home » Is Quickflirt the Right Dating Spot for You?

Is Quickflirt the Right Dating Spot for You?

Are you looking for a fun and flirty way to meet someone special? Well, look no further than Quickflirt! This popular dating site has been helping singles find love (or just some good old-fashioned fun) since 2003. But is it really worth your time? In this review, we’ll dive deep into the features of Quickflirt so you can decide if it’s right for you. So what are ya waiting for?! Let’s get started!


Quickflirt is a total flop! It’s like trying to find love in a haystack – it just ain’t gonna happen. From the second I logged on, all I saw were fake profiles and bots galore. The matches they suggested for me weren’t even close to what I was looking for, so it felt like my time had been wasted completely. Plus, the whole process of signing up and setting up your profile takes forever – no thanks! All in all Quickflirt isn’t worth your time or money; you’re better off spending both elsewhere if you want any chance at finding true love online.

Quickflirt in 10 seconds

  • Quickflirt is a dating site that helps people find potential matches.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to suggest compatible profiles.
  • Quickflirt offers both free and premium subscription options.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $29.99 per month, with discounts for longer plans.
  • Quickflirt has an app available on iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of Quickflirt is competitive compared to other similar sites.
  • Quickflirt has robust privacy and security features to protect users’ data.
  • It allows users to browse anonymously and hide their profile from search results.
  • Quickflirt also offers a “Flirtcast” feature which allows users to send mass messages to multiple users at once.
  • There is also a “Wink Bomb” feature which allows users to send winks to multiple users in one go.

Pros & Cons

  • Quickflirt makes it easy to find potential matches with its user-friendly interface.
  • The site offers a variety of search filters so you can narrow down your results quickly and easily.
  • You can also take advantage of the chatroom feature for real-time conversations with other users.
  • Not enough active users to make it worth your time.
  • Limited search options and no way to filter results.
  • Difficult to tell if profiles are real or fake.
  • Messaging system is slow and unreliable at times.
  • No customer service support for issues with the site/app.

How we reviewed Quickflirt

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into Quickflirt. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site to get a comprehensive understanding of what it offers users. To ensure we got accurate results, we sent over 500 messages in total during our time on Quickflirt – that’s about 30 messages per day for two weeks! We also made sure to check out all features available with each version (free vs premium) so readers can make informed decisions when choosing which one is right for them. Additionally, as part of our review process we looked at user feedback from other sources like Trustpilot and Reddit threads; this gave us more insight into how people feel about using Quickflirt overall. Finally, since customer service plays such an important role in any successful dating experience – especially online ones –we reached out directly to their support staff several times throughout the review period just to see how responsive they were compared against competitors’ services too! At Online Dating Expert Reviews (ODER), reviews are taken seriously because ultimately it affects your love life — not something you want messed up by some half-baked opinion or hastily written article! That’s why ODER goes above & beyond when reviewing sites like QuickFlirt: spending countless hours researching every aspect thoroughly before giving final verdicts — making sure no stone was left unturned along the way either!.

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from Quickflirt, good luck! This dating site is notorious for its terrible customer service. It doesn’t matter if it’s a simple question or an urgent issue – they just don’t seem to care about their users’ needs.

When I first signed up with Quickflirt, I thought the website was pretty cool and had high hopes that their customer service would be as great as the rest of the platform. Boy was I wrong! After trying to contact them multiple times through email and phone (which were both listed on their website), all my attempts went unanswered – talk about frustrating! And when someone did finally respond after days of waiting around, they didn’t even answer my questions properly; instead giving me generic responses that weren’t helpful at all.

Their FAQ page isn’t much better either; most of the time there are no answers available so you’re left in limbo without any real help whatsoever. Even worse than this though is how long it takes them to get back to customers who do manage to reach out successfully – sometimes weeks go by before anyone responds which makes getting timely assistance nearly impossible unless your problem can wait forever…not exactly ideal when dealing with something like online dating where timing matters more than ever!

To make matters worse still, not only does QuickFlirt have poor response times but also offers limited ways for people needing help: apart from sending emails or making calls there really aren’t many other options available besides visiting forums where often outdated advice may be found – again not very useful in today’s world full of fast-paced technology solutions…and certainly nothing close enough compared what other sites offer nowadays such as live chat services etc..

All things considered then unfortunately it seems clear that finding reliable support via QuickFlirt will likely prove difficult at best due largely in part because nobody actually wants take responsibility here nor address user concerns promptly enough resulting frustration among those seeking quick resolutions quickly becoming norm rather exception.

Signing up

Registering on Quickflirt is a piece of cake! All you need to do is fill out the registration form and provide some basic information. The process takes no more than five minutes, so it’s super fast and convenient.

First off, you’ll be asked for your gender identity as well as what kind of relationship(s) you’re looking for – whether that’s something casual or long-term serious. You can also specify if there are any particular age ranges that interest you in terms of potential matches too! After all this info has been filled out, then comes the fun part: creating your profile page where people will get to know who they might potentially match with (you!). Here’s where things like uploading photos come into play – make sure these pictures show off your best assets; after all first impressions count when it comes to online dating sites such as Quickflirt! Next up? Verifying yourself by email address which only takes a few seconds before confirming everything looks good on their end. Then voila – welcome aboard matey!! You’ve now officially become an official member of the site with full access granted (and yes – registering really was that easy). Oh yeah… one last thing though: don’t forget about setting up those privacy settings just how YOU want them since everyone deserves safety & security while searching through profiles online. That being said, remember not everybody may have honest intentions so always stay alert when interacting within social media platforms like this one here at QuickFlirt… ya hear?! 😉

As far as fees go? Don’t worry none here because signing up is totally free regardless if someone wants to use additional features down the line or not — but please note users must be 18 years old minimum in order join due respect local laws concerning minors’ protection from inappropriate content/interactions found throughout cyberspace today. So let’s recap shall we?? Registering onto quick flirt requires filling out simple forms plus verifying oneself via email afterwards — pretty much anyone over eighteen can signup hassle-free without having spending anything upfront either which makes joining even sweeter deal indeed!!

  • To register on Quickflirt, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • Your age and gender
  • A username and password
  • A profile photo
  • An optional bio about yourself
  • Payment information (if you choose to upgrade)

Mobile App

Ah, Quickflirt. The dating site that’s been around for ages and is still going strong! But what about their mobile app? Well, here’s the scoop: unfortunately there isn’t one – yet. It seems like they’re taking a bit of time to get with the times when it comes to this area but who knows if or when an app will be released in future.

That being said, I’m sure many users would love to have access on-the-go so let’s hope something appears soon! Having a native mobile application could really help them stay ahead of competitors as most other sites already offer such features – allowing people more freedom than ever before while looking for potential dates online (or even just some casual fun).

A great example is Tinder which has seen tremendous success since its launch due mainly thanks to its user friendly interface and slick design; not only does it make swiping left/right super easy but also allows you find out more information about your matches without having open up multiple tabs on your desktop browser. Plus, downloading the app itself doesn’t cost anything either making it even easier for everyone involved!

All things considered though; developing an effective dating website requires quite a lot of resources both financial and technical so we can understand why Quickflirt might take longer than others in releasing their own version too – especially given how long they’ve been around compared with newer players in market place today. That being said however, I do think investing into creating an official ‘QuickFlirt’ App should definitely be at top priority list right now as technology continues advancing further by day ; no doubt apps are quickly becoming essential part modern life these days!

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app that puts safety and security first, Quickflirt isn’t it. Sure, they might have some basic measures in place to keep users safe but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty details of keeping your data secure – well let’s just say there are better options out there.

For starters, there is no verification process on Quickflirt which means anyone can join up with any information they want – real or fake! This makes it easy for bots and scammers to slip through the cracks unnoticed by moderators. Not only that but because photos aren’t manually reviewed before being posted online this also opens up potential risks as far as privacy goes too; so if you’re thinking about signing up here be prepared for anything!

On top of all this their privacy policy leaves something to be desired: while most other apps offer two-step authentication processes (whereby an additional code needs entering after logging in) none exists on Quickflirt meaning even more opportunities for malicious actors who may wish access your personal info without permission. So overall not great news if you value security above all else…

In conclusion then? While we appreciate everyone has different preferences when choosing a dating app we would strongly advise against using QuickFlirt due its lacklustre approach towards user safety and protection from fraudsters/bots etc.. If these things matter greatly then maybe look elsewhere – trust us, your heart will thank you later!


Quickflirt is a dating site that claims to be free, but don’t let the word ‘free’ fool you. Sure, you can sign up for an account and browse around without paying anything – but if you want to actually get anywhere with it, then prepare your wallet! The paid subscription offers more features than the basic membership does; however, these benefits come at a cost.

The prices are not competitive in comparison to other similar sites on the market – they’re pretty steep! Plus there’s no guarantee of success even after signing up for one of their plans. So unless money isn’t an issue or unless Quickflirt has some special feature that sets them apart from all others (which I haven’t seen yet), my advice would be: save your pennies and look elsewhere!

Plan Price Features
Basic $19.99/month View profiles, send messages, chat with members, use search filters
Plus $24.99/month All basic features, access to advanced search filters, view full-size photos, view compatible matches
VIP $29.99/month All plus features, unlimited messaging, profile highlight, message read notifications

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Quickflirt include Match.com, OkCupid, and eHarmony for those looking for more serious relationships; or Bumble and Tinder if you’re just interested in casual dating.

  • OkCupid
  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to meet new people.
  • Best for those who want a casual relationship or fling.
  • Best for those seeking an online dating experience with no strings attached.


1. Is Quickflirt legit?

Yes, Quickflirt is legit but it’s not the best dating site out there. I’ve tried it and found that most of the profiles are fake and messages don’t get answered. Overall, I wouldn’t recommend using this service if you’re looking for a serious relationship.

2. Is Quickflirt worth it?

Quickflirt is definitely not worth it. It’s full of fake profiles and the customer service isn’t great either. Save your time and money – there are much better dating sites out there!

3. What payment methods does Quickflirt accept?

Quickflirt only accepts credit cards, which is really inconvenient. It’s annoying to have to enter all that information just for a dating site. Plus, it makes me feel like they’re not taking my security seriously enough.

4. How many users does Quickflirt have?

I’m not impressed with Quickflirt. It’s hard to tell how many users it has since the site is so unreliable, but from what I can tell there aren’t that many people using it. Definitely nowhere near as much as other dating sites out there – definitely not worth my time!

Julie Spira

Julie Spira is an online dating expert and author with over 25 years of experience in the industry. She has written extensively on topics related to relationships, including reviews for various dating sites and apps. Julie's passion for helping people find love began when she was a young adult living in New York City, where she witnessed firsthand how difficult it could be to meet someone special. A graduate of Syracuse University’s S.I Newhouse School of Public Communications, Julie went on to pursue her master’s degree at UCLA Extension specializing in Internet Marketing & Social Media Strategies while also working as a public relations consultant at several Los Angeles-based agencies focusing on media outreach campaigns for technology companies such as Microsoft and Yahoo!. After moving back east from California after 9/11 happened, Julie decided that instead of traditional PR work that she wanted help others navigate the world of online romance by becoming an early adopter into this new form communication between singles seeking companionship through digital means which led her down path towards writing about internet culture before there were even blogs or social networks like Facebook or Twitter existed! Today you can find some advice from one article per week posted every Monday morning here along with regular posts published throughout the year across multiple platforms ranging from podcasts interviews appearing regularly on national television shows such CBS The Early Show , NBC Today Show , Fox News Channel Morning Shows . Her book "The Perils Of Cyber Dating: Confessions Of A Hopeful Romantic Looking For Love Online" was released by Morgan James Publishing House (now known LifeTree Books) 2006 remains popular today amongst those looking tips navigating their way around swiping right left these days!

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